old friends and all around good dudes formerly known as the morning benders are now known as POP ETC. turns out that the word 'bender' is used in the uk as a derogatory term for gay people and since they are not the type of people to want to offend others they changed their name. it'll take a while but i'll get over it like everyone else. now minus a bass player, the the new songs are def. more electronic and autotune-y sounding then the record they released in 2010. at first listen you can't help but notice how different the sound is and to be honest i wasn't sure that i was too into it but after a while you start to realize that these tunes are just as catchy as the previous ones. same ingredients, different recipe. and now i'm hooked. you can get all these songs and more for free from their new mixtape on their site here:
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