November 30, 2011

big mc'n.

oh ron... you so craaazy!

(fake) criterion collection.

dedicated to my most main murph. this is probably the best thing i've seen all year. i'd be willing to shell out the $30+ they normally charge for these movies. thanks effie for posting this!

November 18, 2011

November 11, 2011

dead sexy part II.

that's mr. jagger to you.

them soldiers love them some weed..

for all the ground thumpers, jarheads, flyboys and seamen out there. i salute (pothead) veterans.

chloe sevigny.

she was my favorite character on big love and pretty awesome in gummo/american psycho. these videos are too hilarious not to post. imitation is the sincerest form of something. thank you to the gothic tropic girls for sharing.

t'toos: the stoops edition.

November 9, 2011

before night falls.

marines go hard in the paint.

dude is hard as fuck.
"For those who have not seen this before, Shef was a US soldier deployed in IRAQ in 2007, during his deployment he bombed the place."

thanks marlowe for sharing this and for the time he spent serving the country. see more here: CAMEL BOMBING

shit's weak.


November 3, 2011

artist feature: ken kagami

artist ken kagami is an interesting guy. his art covers a fairly narrow number of themes: snoopy. boobs. weiner. vag. (and assorted children's plush toys) you've seen 'em all before but i can bet you haven't seen em like this. even though his subjects may seem a bit repetitive, every piece of work he shows is distinctly unique, fun, and new to viewers making you want to see more. i also really like the fact that the artist is not trying to portray any type of deep hidden social message thru his work (i.e. the poop hat) he lets people interpret his art they way they want to see it. i see it as good old fashioned shit. makes me wish i shit like that. find out more about his art here: KEN KAGAMI