October 27, 2011

freak-ing out.

terrors of crenshaw.

new works by AUGOR. opening at ironlak los angeles this saturday october 29 7:00-11:00 pm. show up early, its gonna be a packed house! for more info click here: IRONLAK

reggae in the uk.

we didn't go to jamaica and we didn't film bob marley. dude's got jokes. this program is waay ahead of its time, watch it. learn something.

October 25, 2011

brazilian blow-out.

saw the original line-up of bonde do role in 2007 at some random event called the swerve fest (the first and i believe only) at the echoplex and so began a new obsession with brazilians and their music.

seu jorge you're so dreeamy.

time to fatten the piggies up.

she likes it! hey mikey!

fly guys.

king of new york. that's my shit right thurr.

artist feature: picasso.

happy 130th birthday (dead) Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso.

October 24, 2011

dead sexy.


rumspringa has been my favorite band in/around the los angeles area since 2008. if you know me at all you would already know this. over time the band has changed and band members have changed. what doesn't kill you makes you stronger or so the saying goes. luckily rumspringa version 3.0  (which i have now dubbed it after its 3 members, joey, cardo, & andrew) are gonna be kickin' ass n takin' names outsiders style starting... now and continuing on into 2012 aka the return of quetzacoatl. they have a new song available for your pretty lil ear to listen to/download. i've already written about this band and don't want to sound repetitive so here's a link to my old post if you need to catch up: OLD  SPRINGA

OF WASTED YOUTH by rumspringa

October 21, 2011

breakin' it down.

the clash.

haters be jealous. the clash is the truth.

people moving in tha d.

this is dope.

artist feature: José Rodolfo Loaiza Ontiveros

his latest show entitled 'disenchanted' shown at the la luz de jesus gallery is off the fucking chain. we all grew up with disney being forced down our throats whether we liked it or not. i'm partial to the older disney movies: lady n the tramp, peter pan, the jungle book, the aristocats, etc. but he takes these films on with a more modern humorist twist. and i bet the suits at disney sharted in their pants when they saw these and then tried to sue him. i found a book at goodwill a couple months ago called 'Mouse Tales: A behind the ears look at Disneyland', i had no idea all the crazy shit that goes on/went down building disneyland, its a pretty good read. fact: disney attempted to sue 6 preschools in florida for having a mickey mouse character painted on their walls. if that's not evil i don't know what is. jose has yet to put up a website but you can find out more about the gallery here: LA LUZ DE JESUS

October 20, 2011


i have yet to see and probably never will see anyone be able to rock glittery neon head to toe as good as ari did. 100% original. 100% slits.

“Find out who you really are, then accept who you are. Fight for your life every day to be who you are.”

October 19, 2011

{stricken city}

once upon a time i lived in northern california. i had a cast on my leg. it rained for a month straight when i first moved there making it rather difficult to get to know people as well as the area so i turned to music. i listened to it almost 24 hours a day, only taking breaks for sleep. it was the time of myspace music, brilliant in its infancy. nearly all tracks were downloadable and i downloaded the fuck out of them. unfortunately, for me, i only saved them on my ipod at the time which took a dump when someone at a party sat their drink on top of it and the moisture seeped into the finger dial(remember old ipod technology?). i lost all my music and had nearly forgotten this band. until now. i had only heard early versions of their songs which i think are much better but what do i know. the first video is one of the songs from before but the rest are as released on their LP.

ps- after trying to find the more original demos, i found out that the band broke up earlier this year. fuckin' a.

ze beach boys.

i heard they were trying to get these geezers together for a reunion but brian wilson told them to suck it. personally i think its a bit too late for this and would rather get my teeth pulled than listen to a bunch of 70+ year olds screeching out their greatest hits, but to each his own.

my one true love.

new video from miss hollie cook.

just in case you've missed my other posts about this super amazing singer, wake up! get in the know! this song features reggae legend horseman.

October 18, 2011

artist feature: andrew young.

holy shit. this guy can fuckin' paint! interesting subject matter? check. original technical aesthetic? check.  if you don't love his work, you might need to get yer head checked. he puts it a bit more elegantly here:
“We are lost in our self-indulgent primal behavior, forgoing the morals and values our parents have instilled in us. In these images we reflect on our own experiences of these dark visceral moments and places. Our juvenility is found when we disregard our age and act on impulses, often finding ourselves demonstrating irreverent, self-gratifying exploits. Spontaneous in some parts and carefully designed in others; my explorative compositions are the backbone to the figurative rendering. The result is sporadic abstraction paired with hyper-realism. My technical focus is to illuminate subjects with areas of saturated clarity, while obscuring them with textures of the known and discovered. The work blends the authentic with the abstract in order to form a relationship between the figure and the intangible — between order and chaos.”

go to his website here: DREW YOUNG

[random side note: while looking through his paintings i came across one that looked very familiar, too familiar... until i realized it was our ol' friend sueme another talented artist from vancouver. what up sueme!]


joke of the year: 
 "Why did the hipster girl burn her tongue on a slice of pizza? Because she wanted to eat it before it was cool."

October 12, 2011

trip out.

on acid glasses!

soundcloud love affair.

i love it. you should too. you're able to listen/find music that doesn't exist on that whorish itunes program. some you can download, some you can't but you can make friends with the person who posted the music and ask them how to get a copy if listening to it for free isn't your cup of tea. and if that wasn't enough, if you sign up for an account (which is also free) you're also able to upload music to your page with no limitations, remixes, original jams, old shit, whatever you want. its like an online music commune. take a listen to a couple gems i found.

Jonti - Hornet's Nest by stonesthrow

Tell Her No by tennisinc

shannon and the clams - sleep talk by phoenix and the fire

Jacuzzi Boys - Cool Vapors by subpop

Camera Talk by Local Natives

Kill Lloyd Opus by Gothic Tropic

Egyptian Shumba - The Tammys by chin-tee

Xray Eyeballs - Sundae by hardlyartrecords

Smith Westerns - Be My Girl by Vicente P

October 11, 2011

artist feature: ian stevenson

came across this artist work while wasting time pretending to work today. i'm really digging his stuff, dude has the 2nd best crappy drawings i've seen. (1st place goes to my friend kalen) i also like that he's manipulated sayings/signage that we see in our daily life and combined it with a comical/narcissistic twist. simple but effective none the less. he has a shitload of fun things to look at/buy on his website which you can visit here:  IAN STEVENSON enjoy.

Magic Hole from Ian Stevenson on Vimeo.